Friday, December 2, 2011

Hello World!

VIDEO GAMES. What a glorious, ingenious creation. The power to build cities, destroy monsters, save worlds, explore universes, condensed to our fingertips. In case you didn't realize, this isn't some mamby-pamby medium like books where you can begin to get immersed in the plot only to get lost in thought halfway through the chapter and realize you haven't been paying attention for 4 pages and skim back to the last conscious word you read. A story can be told without a listener, but a game can't work without a player. That's what makes them special to me and that's why I'm writing this right now.

So let me cut to the chase- call me a reviewer, a critic, whatever you want, this is my soapbox. I'm just here to share my thoughts on the games I play. Yes, the internet has no dirth of gamers. There's a lot of online discussion and diatribe about games, so what's one more in the pool? If you want to come along for the ride, a seat's always available.

First thing on the agenda: Skyward Sword.

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